Read or listen the Bible on the internet:
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Bible teachings by theme
- Who are you, God?
- God – to be feared and loved
- Jesus - the gift and the role model
- Creation, The Bible and theory of evolution
- The Trinity - Some Basics
- What does the Bible teach about baptism?
- Holy days of the church year:
- Devotional Life at Home
- Old and new – the continuous battle of a Christian
- Do I live right?
- The most important gift that we can give to a child
- Theology of the Cross
- What is biblical typology?
- What does the Bible teach about spiritual gifts?
- What do the Old and New Testaments teach us about receiving the Holy Spirit?
- Crucifixion
- The Law of Moses and the Christians
- How did Judaism and early Church face contemporary sexual morality?
Chapter-by-chapter Commentaries
- Commentary on the Gospel of John by Erkki Koskenniemi, Th.D.
- Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans by Pasi Hujanen, pastor
- Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians by Erkki Koskenniemi, Th.D.
- Commentary on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians by Pasi Hujanen, pastor
- Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians by Pekka Jauhiainen, pastor
- Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians by Pekka Jauhiainen, pastor
- Commentary on the Epistle to the Colossians by Pasi Hujanen, pastor
- Commentary on the First Epistle to the Thessalonians by Jari Rankinen, pastor
- Commentary on the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians by Pasi Hujanen, pastor
- Commentary on the Epistle to Titus by Pasi Hujanen, pastor
- Commentary on the Letter to Philemon by Jari Rankinen, pastor
- Commentary on the Letter of James by Pasi Hujanen, pastor
- Commentary on the Second Epistle of Peter by Pasi Hujanen, pastor
- Commentary on the First Epistle of John by Erkki Koskenniemi, Th.D.
- Commentary on the Second Epistle of John by Erkki Koskenniemi, Th.D.
- Commentary on the Third Epistle of John by Erkki Koskenniemi, Th.D.
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